Successful Logo? Or a Failure ?

Successful – Failed !!


The idea behind a logo design is drawn from the name it is symbolized. The logos above are perfect examples of it. Not only did the logos incorporate the companies’ name but also an image that represent the companies’ quality. Each of the logo designed with its own unique statement, thus it is easy to identify and to remember. One of the example is Starbuck Coffee’s logo. The iconic mermaid logo is based on a classic 15th century Norse woodcut of the mythical siren. The rough yet feminine icon was perfect for Starbuck’s first target consumer, the Pacific Northwest local. In order to suit the general viewers, the siren was modified few times over the years. One of them was by making the siren hair longer to cover up her bare chest. The logo became so popular until many even tried to copy it. Thus, the exposure and widespread use of a logo make a logo undeniably successful.



Every logo represents something but not all of them deliver the right testimony to the viewers. For example, just because the name of a company is Taco Bell, a bell pictograph is the right choice for the company’s logo image; it drawn literally from the company names but it does not symbolizes it. These logos failed because they lacked of harmony with their purposes. A brand needs a logo so people can recognize and remember them as what the company’s want them too. What if there is a mistake? For example, if I was someone who did not know anything about Mrs. Field or Sunkist, I would mistaken their logo for Mrs. 7ield ( Seven Field, perhaps) and Sinkist ! No company wants that for sure! A logo should correctly represent their company and in order to that, every single aspect of the design must be taken into account. So, its exposure provides a joy of knowing and remembering.

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